Revenue potential
We estimate a potential of €609,946 revenue in 2021 and €609,946 in 2022, with an annual fee revenue of minimum €100,000 to €300,000 after that. In addition, we will be co-owner of 3v3 UK and 3v3 Germany, adding further revenue potential.
Master Franchise
  • Target: 5 in 2021 (Spain, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland)
  • Target: 5 in 2022 (Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Italy, Ireland)
  • 10% annual revenue fee based on 100k earnings per franchise per first 2 years.
2021: €139,992
+ €50,000 (annually)

2022: €139,992
+ €50,000 (annually)
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Regional Franchise
  • Target: 10 in 2021 (within Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Italy, Ireland)
  • Target: 10 in 2021 (within Scotland, Greece, Poland, Hungary, Finland)
  • 10% annual revenue fee based on 50k earnings per franchise per first 2 years.
2021: €99,954
+ €50,000 (annually)

2022: €99,954
+ €50,000 (annually)
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Equipment & Annual fee
  • 10 Gold packages of €12k each.
  • 20 Silver packages of €6k each
  • Add on sales of 5 Silver packages of €6k each via Master to their regions.
  • Additional sales, merchandise etc. not incl. in the estimations.
2021: €120,000
+ €150,000 (add on sales)

2022: €120,000
+ €150,000 (add on sales)
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3v3 Belgium Example
11 regions in total.

We have already signed on Luxembourg region for Gold license, 12999 EUR, so we know it works.

We recommend a strategy of targeting regional partners in some countries first, leading to a national partner eventually if we choose.
3v3 UK Example
11 regions in total.

We have already signed on Luxembourg region for Gold license, 12999 EUR, so we know it works.

We recommend a strategy of targeting regional partners in some countries first, leading to a national partner eventually if we choose.
Time table
Franchise agreement
Deadline March 15th. Including website and social media.
Deadline April 15th. Target: Sign 2 master franchises and 3 regional.
Deadline May 15th. Delivery target mid July.
August 1st. Note: Franchise partners can borrow equipment to start earlier.